O’Neall & Scholl can deliver

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rail, barge, truck, and  container



At O'Neall & Scholl, we use 24-row equipment to plant and harvest crops annually. Using the latest in technology to print about precision and quality.

We use minimum tillage. All ground is deep ripped first with zero to a light working of the ground before planting. There is little or no cultivation of the crop after emergence. The only work done post-emergence and pre-harvest is the careful and critical application of nitrogen, herbicides and fungicides. 

All grain is dried and stored on the farm until delivery. Presently, we boast over 400,000 bushels of storage capacity on the farm. Our grain handling system is built around processing and delivering the highest quality product in the most efficient manner possible.

Alliances with a river port and trucking companies allow for expedited transfer of grain. On any given day, over 25,000 bushels of corn can be harvested and, after drying, 35,000 bushels can be delivered daily. This combination allows O'Neall & Scholl to be responsive to our end users' demands. 

Detailed equipment listings are available upon request.